How to Pay for Universal Health Care

How do we pay for it now? Answer: taxes and in the price of goods and services.

Federal taxes fund health care for all federal government employees, Medicare/Medicaid, the VA and the domestic based military. Those funds could all be calculated and combined to help fund a universal healthcare system. The VA and domestic military facilities could be open to the public or closed.

State and local taxes fund health care for all state and local employees, police and teachers. Those funds could be calculated and contributed toward a universal system.

Finally the price of all goods and services contain an overhead cost which include the health insurance premiums of the employees. These funds could be collected in a Value Added Tax (VAT). Everyone working would be earning their healthcare cost even if they were self- employed or working three part time jobs. The price of goods and services would be cut in order for the providers to remain competitive.

Before arguing about how much the taxes would be, remember that 18% of GDP goes to health care now and one of the goals is to cut that by a third. That is the job of the administrative contractors.